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The cattery has been approved by FIFe & SVERAK in August 2012.

I have high standards and my breeding goal with this breed is to develop nice social and loving social taxes that should be healthy and healthy as well as pursue and develop the current breed standard for ragdollen. Most important of all is a stable, nice and reliable temperament that ragdollen is known for. One goal I have is that my kittens will be able to go to exhibitions with good results!

All my cats are dear family members who have access to all rooms in the home and I get litter when the cats are ready mentally and physically, I have no hurry and between the litters I like to take cats to a cat show.

I test my cats according to the ragdoll health program as the SRC (Scandinavian Ragdoll Club) designed before breeding to try to keep the breed healthy and healthy.
My cats are innocents, like the ragdoll likes to be, they get out of control under controlled shapes and under surveillance, the balcony I have netted in and there the cats love to sit and watch. But they enjoy living better than in the grass. Therefore, I hope my kitten purchaser respects that you do not have their cats loose outside without supervision. Who wants a loved one's family member to be hit by a car, mate with the neighbor's cat, or create an oath in the housing area when the cat does their needs in someone else's sandboxes or flower buds?

Sightly Dolls is a SVERAK-registrated breeding and follows SVERAK & FiFes charters and rules for good cats.
I only sell cats that are registed, in SVERAK and the pedigree is always handed over at the time of sale, such as purchase agreement.
The cattery is inspected and approved by the County Administrative Board of Norrbotten pursuant to Section 16 of the Animal Protection Act (1988: 534) for the keeping, sale and rearing of cats since April 2016. 

I'm interested in the genetics of the cat. A weekend in October 2012, Maud Dickson came up to Luleå via my cat club and held a really good course in just the cat's genetics, a basic course in the inheritance of coat colors and some other farms in the cat. Very interesting and rewarding according to me and I learned a lot. In October 2015, SVA came to Luleå and lectured on parasites and viruses that could affect our cats, including the FIV / FeLv / FIP, Cat Pest and Coronavirus. Very rewarding and interesting.

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